Monday, February 04, 2008

Library of Tibetan Works & Archives, Dharamsala.

Jewel Ladder

Jewel Ladder (Rin-chen them-skas) is a short and comprehensive Nyingma Lamrin for beginners by Minling Terchen Gyurme Dorjee (1643-1714), commonly known as Terdak Lingpa, one of the foremost early master-scholars of Tibet, who was both a teacher and disciple of the Great Fifth Dalai Lama.The text introduces us to the preliminaries of the Buddhist practice required for higher spiritual development such as the four basic ways fo concentrating one's mind on the Dharma and the Four Noble Truths.

The Essence of Nectar

The " The Essence of Nectar ", an extensive prayer written by Yeshe Tsondru, an incarnate Lama of the Gelug tradition, is a poetic supplement of the " Great Exposition of the Graded Path " by Je Tsongkhapa.

Vajrayogini Sadhana and Commentary

Vajrayogini Sadhana
and Commentary by Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey. Traditionally the practice of Tantra is supposed to be kept secret, and this book is intended purely for those who have received the proper initiations. However, as the Dalai Lama has advised, there are great misunderstanding to which Tantra as often subjected, and are more harmful than the partial lifting of such secrecy.

Meditations on the Lower Tantras From the Collected Works of the Dalai Lamas.

The Harmony of Emptiness and Dependent-Arising

The Harmony of Emptiness and Dependent-Arising is a commentary to Tsongkhapa's The Essence of Eloquent Speech, Praise to the Buddha for Teaching Profound Dependent-Arising.The subject of the work concerns two important themes of Buddhist philosophy: emptiness and dependent-arising. Lobsang Gyatso.

The Mahamudra Eliminating the Darkness of Ignorance

The Mahamudra Eliminating the Darkness of Ignorance The Ninth Karmapa Wang-Ch’ug Dorje. Mahamudra or the Great Seal, refers to a Mahayana Buddhist system of meditation on nature of the mind and is undertaken for realising Enlightemment.

Self-Initiation of Vajrabhairava

Self-Initiation of Vajrabhairava, Sharpa Tulku with Richard guard
The texts presented here are an intermediate length sadhana and a concise self-initiation ritual of the Solitary Hero Vajrabhairava. After receiving the Highest Yoga Tantra initiation of Vajrabhairava, and then completing the retreat of this deity, with the compensating ritual fire offering of peace, one is authorized to do the self-initiation. It is important to do the self-initiation in order to restore broken vows and tantric commitments. A sadhana must be done in conjunction with the self-initation. The concise nature of the self-initiation will enable many practitioners to do this practice more frequently.

The Guru Puja

The Guru Puja This presentation of the bla-ma mchod-pa, the offering to the spiritual masters, in Tibetan phonetics and an English translation includes the tshog offering and Son of the Spring Queen and is accomplished by the Hundred Deities of the Land of Joy, the lam-tim dedication prayer and so forth.

Daily Recitations

This booklet is compirsed of recitations for the beneift of those who show a keen interest in the study and practice of Buddhism. These prelliminaries are recited in the Buddhist and Philosophy classes of LTWA, as well as for the Monday meditation sessions, for the pruposse of training the mind, and accumulating merit. Presented herein are the original Tibetan script, accompanied by both the English translation, and an easy to read phonetic translation.

The Twelve Deeds

A Brief Story of Tonpa Shenrab, the founder of the Bon ReligionSangye Tendar According to the Bon tradition of Tibet, Tonpa Shenrab was not only the founder of the Bon religion but also the first Buddha to appear in this 'degenerate age' (Kaliyuga), with the expressedpurpose of relieving the sufferings of all sentiment beings. In The Twelve Dees, told according to the traditional format, we can read abotu the major events of Tonpa Shenrabn's life, including his compassionate and maraculours deeds and his entrance in to mahaparinirvana.

The Seven Instruction Lineages

The renowned Tibetan historian Taranatha compiled these accounts of fifty-nine siddhas or adepts who were instrumental in the transmission of seven oral Tantric traditions. This is a source book much quoted by later historians. Jo Nang Taranatha.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Guides du pays des Dakini et du Bardo

Le guide du Pays des Dakinis

La pratique du tantra du yoga suprême de Bouddha Vajrayogini Le commentaire de la pratique du tantra yoga supérieur de la vénérable Vajrayogini est divisé en trois parties : l’explication préliminaire, le commentaire principal des étapes de génération et d’accomplissement, et la dédicace.

Les terres et les voies tantriques guéshé Kelsang Gyatso.

Enseignement du Bardo

Le sentier de la mort et de la renaissance. Lama Lodreu.

Le Bardo Thödol : Livre des morts Tibétain

Pour mieux vivre sa mort

Anthologie Tibétaine de Glenn Mullin avec des textes des 2ème, 7ème, 13ème Dalaï-lamas.

Bardo-Thödol : Le livre tibétain des morts

Le Bardo Thödrol Jacques Bacot

La clé du sens profond du livre des morts tibétain. La libération naturelle des six bardo

PPrésentation de l'éditeur

On sait le succès que connaissent Le Livre des morts tibétain et aussi Le Livre Tibétain de la Vie et de la Mort de Sogyal Rinpoché auprès du public français et plus généralement en Occident.
Ce nouvel ouvrage remarquable est l'indispensable complément de ces livres. En effet, il propose un éventail d'enseignements rares du bouddhisme tibétain permettant de faire de chacune des grandes phases de la vie et de la mort une extraordinaire opportunité de libération spirituelle. Dans la vie comme dans la mort, durant la méditation, le sommeil et les rêves, nous traversons des états de conscience particuliers appelés bardo ou processus de transition, qui sont autant d'occasions de mettre fin aux limitations, aux frustrations et aux grandes peurs existentielles.
Plus qu'un complément aux ouvrages précités, La Libération naturelle des six bardo est véritablement la clé qui permet de pénétrer le sens profond de la vie et de la mort selon le bouddhisme tibétain. C'est un livre qui intéressera non seulement les habituels lecteurs de textes du bouddhisme tibétain, nombreux en France, mais aussi tous ceux qui se posent des questions sur le sens de l'existence, sur la mort et l'après-mort, ainsi que tous ceux qui se sentent concernés par l'accompagnement spirituel des mourants. Cet ouvrage est incontestablement l'un des textes majeurs du bouddhisme tibétain qui ont été publiés dans ces vingt dernières années.

Le Livre des morts tibétain illustré

Bardo thödol, le livre des morts tibétains ou les expériences d'apès la mort dans le plan du bardo - edité par le docteur w. y. evans-wentz